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Write-ups  (elections)

Individual Write-ups

Individual write-ups serve one fundamental purpose: to introduce yourself and the quirks of your personality to your audience. Think of what makes you stand out from others, and showcase the brightest side of your personality in 150 words! Here are a few commonly used techniques:


First Person


Introducing yourself in first person helps to project familiarity and showcase your sincerity in making yourself known to the reader! It also makes your write-up much more personal and intimate.

Second Person


Writing in second person is a more interactive approach. It can create the impression that you’re conversing with the reader or speaking directly to him/her/them!


Many people enjoy inserting some form of wordplay on their names (e.g. Sophie-nomenal → So phenomenal). This makes it easier for people to remember your name, as well as link a character trait to you.

Physical Traits

If you are easily recognised by a certain physical trait that you’re proud of (e.g. small eyes, height, etc.), you can consider making reference to it in your write-up as well.

Third Person


Writing about yourself in third person is useful in projecting an air of objectivity. This makes your claims and promises much more credible, thus making your write-up more persuasive.


fUn fAcTs!

Some people have interesting quirks that they like to share, and there is no better place to take advantage of that quirk than this write-up. Your quirks can help to leave a lasting impression and present you as a more relatable character.

Getting someone else to write it for you

This will make your write-up less awkward, Having someone else write it for you also eliminates personal biases and ensures the authenticity of your write-up.

Group Write-ups

The key to a good group write-up is succinctness.

  1. Explain your group name (especially if it’s borrowed from a foreign language).

  2. Link it to your aspirations for the school!

For more inspiration, refer to past year elections websites:

2018 -

2017 -

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